OpenVPN system of Supercomputing Center of USTC

Brief introduction

Supercomputing Center's supercomputing systems have been limited to be login only from IPs registered on USTC network or within the database of IPs that have been granted permission to. Users need to use VPNs provided by Network and Information Center or Supercomputing Center before login the supercomputing systems from other IPs (such as those outside USTC).

Users can login supercomputing systems by SSH after connect to VPN when users outside USTC.

OpenVPN ( is an open source VPN system based on SSL, whose advantage is using UDP protocol only and supporting connection behind NAT devices comparing to VPNs based on PPTP.

General configuration files for Supercomputing Center's VPN server

Download ustc-scc-vpn-conf.rar, and there are 3 files in the compressed file:

Configuration Wizard: