- 设定Intel编译环境:
- 安装支持MPI的FFTW3:
WIEN2k支持FFTW MPI并行,本人不确定Intel MKL带有的是否支持,此处采用源码编译FFTW3,并打开MPI支持。
- 下载(
- 解压缩:
tar xvf fftw-3.3.6-pl2.tar.gz
- 进入fftw-3.3.6-pl2目录:
cd fftw-3.3.6-pl2
- 查看安装帮助:
- 运行命令:
./configure --help
- 生成Makefile配置:
CC=icc F77=ifort MPICC=mpiicc ./configure --prefix=~/local --enable-mpi
- CC:设定编译C程序的命令
- F77:设定编译Fortran程序的命令
- MPICC:设定编译MPI并行C程序的命令
- --prefix:设定安装后目录
- --enable-mpi:设定支持MPI
- 编译及安装;
make && make install
- 解压缩WIEN2k14.2.tar.gz:
tar xvf WIEN2k14.2.tar.gz
- 进入WIEN2k14.2目录:
- 给expand_lapw添加可执行权限(如已有此权限,则无需执行):
chmod +x expand_lapw
- 解压缩源文件:
- 查看WIEN2k官方用户手册及安装帮助:SRC_usersguide_html目录及SRC/usersguide.pdf文件等。
- 安装:
将会有如下菜单输出: *********************************************************
* W I E N *
* site configuration *
Last configuration: 2017年 04月 01日 星期六 19:22:30 CST
Wien Version: WIEN2k_14.2 (Release 15/10/2014)
System: linuxifc
S specify a system
C specify compiler
O specify compiler options, BLAS and LAPACK
P configure Parallel execution
D Dimension Parameters
R Compile/Recompile
U Update a package
L Perl path (if not in /usr/bin/perl)
Q Quit
- 设置系统,按S:
* Specify a system *
Current system is: linuxifc
I Linux (Intel ifort compiler (12.0 and later) + mkl )
J Linux (Intel ifort 9 or 10 compiler + mkl 9.0 )
K Linux (Intel ifort 11.0 compiler + mkl )
K1 Linux (Intel ifort 11.1 compiler + mkl )
A AIX (not updated)
V Linux (gfortran compiler + blaslapw (try to use at least gotoblas)
G GENERIC (you have to define everything )
L Linux (PGI compiler) (not updated)
P Linux (Pathscale compiler) (not updated)
W Linux (G95 compiler + gotolib) (not updated)
S SGI (Origin) (not updated)
S1 SGI Altix 350/3000 with Intel 7.1 compiler) (not updated)
U SUN (not updated)
L1 Linux (Lahey LF97 compiler) (not updated)
M Mac (mac g4 + absoft compiler) (not updated)
Q Quit
- 设置编译器,按C:
Recommended setting for f90 compiler: ifort
Current selection: ifort
Your compiler:
直接回车或输入ifort回车,采用Intel Fortran编译器,设置后将保存在COMPILER文件中。 Recommended setting for C compiler: cc
Current selection: icc
Your compiler:
直接回车或输入icc回车,采用Intel C编译器,设置后将保存在COMPILERC文件中。
- 设置BLAS、LAPACK等编译选项,按O:
Your MKLROOT=/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl
Your MKL_TARGET_ARCH=intel64
The default options shown on the next screen should be ok
回车后显示(Current因为我已经设置过,所以如此显示): ecommended options for system linuxifc are:
Compiler options: -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback -assume buffered_io
Linker Flags: $(FOPT) -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/$(MKL_TARGET_ARCH) -pthread
Preprocessor flags: '-DParallel'
R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lmkl_lapack95_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -openmp -lpthread
Current settings:
O Compiler options: -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -O2 -axavx -fp-model source -assume buffered_io
F FFTW options: -DFFTW3 -I/$(HOME)/local/include
L Linker Flags: $(FOPT) -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/$(MKL_TARGET_ARCH)
P Preprocessor flags '-DParallel'
R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread
FL FFTW_LIBS: -lfftw3_mpi -lfftw3 -L/$(HOME)/local/lib
S Save and Quit
Q Quit abandon changes
To change an item select option.
根据提示,分别按O、F、L、R、RL设置相应选项,确保设置后为: O Compiler options: -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -O2 -axavx -fp-model source -assume buffered_io
F FFTW options: -DFFTW3 -I/$(HOME)/local/include
L Linker Flags: $(FOPT) -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/$(MKL_TARGET_ARCH)
P Preprocessor flags '-DParallel'
R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread
FL FFTW_LIBS: -lfftw3_mpi -lfftw3 -L/$(HOME)/local/lib
- 设置并行方式,按P,随后出现的页面中选择MPI而非共享内存并行,在下面直接回车或输入N回车:
Shared Memory Architecture? (y/N):
- 设定是否绑定到特定节点,直接回车:
Do you know/need a command to bind your jobs to specific nodes ?
(like taskset -c). Enter N / your_specific_command:
- 设定是否采用MPI2,输入1回车,设置完后将保存在parallel_options文件中:
On most mpi-2 versions, it is better to start an mpijob on the original machine
and not via ssh on a remote system. If you are using mpi2 set MPI_REMOTE to 0
Set MPI_REMOTE to 0 / 1:
- 设定远程shell,采用ssh,直接回车:
Remote shell (default is ssh) =
- 设定为了支持大算例,需要设定相关MPI和FFTW环境:
This is useful only for BIG cases (50 atoms and more / unit cell)
and your HARDWARE has at least 16 cores (or is a cluster with Infiniband)
You need to KNOW details about your installed MPI and FFTW )
- 在/usr和/opt尝试自动搜索设定FFTW环境:
Finding the required fftw2/3 mpi-files in /usr and /opt ....
- 如果找到FFTW,会显示找到的,也可以考虑采用找到的:
Please specify the ROOT-path of your FFTW installation (like /opt/fftw3):
此处选择采用本文前面编译的,输入/home/nic/hmli/local回车,显示: Your FFTW_LIBS are: -lfftw3_mpi -lfftw3 -L/home/nic/hmli/local/lib
Your FFTW_OPT are : -DFFTW3 -I/home/nic/hmli/local/include
- 输入S保存退出
- 设置维度参数,输入D:请根据自己需要参考WIEN2k官方用户手册设置。
- 设置
- 编译,输入R:
A Compile all programs (suggested)
S Select program
Q Quit
- 用户设置:
- w2web网页服务设置:请参看WIEN2k官方用户手册。
- 问题处理:查看各SRC_*目录下的compile.msg文件,如果有问题,那么可以根据提示,修改对应目录下的Makefile,然后再执行make或make para等。